Friday, December 25, 2009

My secret game with Jillu

Anthakshari is when Jillu gets the better of me even though she does not know it herself  :). But then I too play a game with her during the Anthakshari session known only to me, for she does not understand what I am up to yet and I take great delight in the secret game. I am in fact even glee-ful about it :)

Jillu : Amma, Baba black sheep paadu (Ammma sing Baba black sheep)
Me : Jillu Paaduvaa (Jillu will sing)
Jillu : aaaahhhh...(protest) Ammaa paaduvaa (Amma should sing)
Me : Jillu dhaan Paaduvaa 
Jillu : (decibel level of the protest increases to the max ). Amma dhaan paaduvaa..aaaiiihhhhhhhhh
Me : Baabaa black sheep and then a pause..
Jillu : Have u any wool, paadu ma
Me : Have you any wool and then a pause...
Jillu : Yes sir, Yes sir, tee bags sull, paadu ma
Me : Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full and then a pause..
Jillu :(waits for a few seconds to see if i will continue and then ) one sor my master, one sor the dame, paadu ma
Me : One for my master, one for the dame 
Jillu: one sor the little boy oos down the laame..(now doesn't bother to say paadu ma)
Me: And one for the little boy, who lives down the lane..

The day will soon come when she will realize what I am up to :). Till then, I plan to completely enjoy it! 
Make hay while the sun shines !!!

1 comment:

Did you like what Jillu did? Here is where you can write about it.