Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jillu Talkies - 7

It was dinner time and as is the norm these days, she had a couple of mouthful herself and started being playful which is a sign for me to pick up where she left and start feeding her!
mmm...Sigh....Romba polambareno? but then where is the girl who ate 75% of the food herself? Choligache.. poyindhe.. gone...gone..gone...
But then the sigh turned to "Awwww" when she said

"Ammaa ootti utaa kaaramaave illa da. Jillu vaa saaptaa dhaan kaaramaa irukku " (The food is not at all spicy if Ammaa feeds Jillu. It is spicy only when Jillu eats herself)


Lunch time after school and Jillu was having her habitual cup of curd post the main course. Her Paati was indulgently looking on and asked Jillu

Paati : Are you eating curd? what about me ? i want some curd
Jillu : normally says "unakku vera irukku. idhu yendhu" (This is mine. there's some more for you) but then today just stares at her, shakes her head and concentrates on her treat.
Paati : Yenakku vera irukku illa, fridge la? (There is some more in the fridge for me, right?)

Jillu : (instantly). Illa. unakku 'R' street* la irukku. (No. its there for you in 'R' street)

*'R' street is the street name where Paati resides and thats how Jillu refers to her Paati's home.


  1. Ha ha! Paati must hv been amazed @ hw fast her Jillu is growing up :)

    Aww @ the 1st one :)

  2. Jillu, when you say that, how will your mummy ever have the heart to say NO?!! Keep at it!

  3. Smooth Jillu, very smooth ! Did Amma melt into a puddle right there ?

  4. Wow! That's one sweet talking girl:)

  5. Oh one smart cookie here.

  6. Swaram, oh yeah ! we are all amazed at the rate :)

    Vidya, when u guys are there to encourage her, how will she stop it ? :)

    PV, puddle and more puddle :) effect lasts till today in fact :) she is yet to resume eating on her own :)

    Hema, :)

    MM, AA :) I am not sure if she said it to achieve her own means, so I will have to wait and then decide :)


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