Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yellaam 'Pattu' mayam !

Jillu has been fascinated with "pattu" (mardhaani/Mehendi) all along !

Right from when she was a baby, she has been able to identify it and now that she is growing up, she's associating all kinds of things to "pattu"

The other day, she had her Polio drops and the nurse marked her little finger with a dark ink. Soon after, Jillu said to everyone who would listen to her
" Yenakku kaila pattu ittu utturukaa paalu "
"Yenakku kaila pattu yezhudhirukkaa paalu"

Yesterday, she was watching Krishna and her observation was that

"krishna inga pattu ittundu irukkaa" pointing to his lips and it was left to my mom to correct her that it was indeed lipstick and not "pattu " !


  1. Pattu konjal vaarthai illai, how did she name it for maruthaani? Konja naal ponaa , ava ungalukku sollitharuvaa -amma ithu eye-liner, lip-gloss, mascara (ivvalavuthaan enakku theriyum :) )

  2. :-) so cute of her to observe the subtle thingss..

  3. Ha ha! She hs an eye for details :)

  4. never knew mardhani was called 'pattu'- hearing it for the first time :)

    but this said, with the way things are going with her, its apt to title the post, 'ellam pattu mayam' :) bang on!

  5. @CG : My MIL taught her that :) and I thought it was widely known :). Yennakku therinjadhum avlo dhaan :)

    @Mridul : Welcome here Mridul! she always manages to do that :)

    @Swaram : Hope this continues coz i sadly lack in it !

    @AJCL : yen MIL solli dhaan yenakke theriyum. but when i heard it the first time, it didn't sound new at all to me :).. funny naa.

  6. I was going to ask you how she came to associate pattu with marudhani....reading the previous comments, I have the answer. So, has she had marudhani on her hands yet???


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